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FNTS/DotFit Supplement Guide

Full Guide with References

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Why ActiveMV (Multivitamin) ?




Fill the necessary nutritional gaps left from suboptimal diets to allow the body to function at full potential as opposed to down regulating to the often unavoidable limitations from food alone. This is of particular importance among physically active persons seeking to reach and maintain relatively low body fat while increasing or sustaining lean body mass. This formula is also designed to be the multivitamin mineral formula of choice for all amateur, collegiate and professional athletes since the ActiveMV is NSF Certified for Sport and approved by Health Canada.


The ActiveMV formula is a multipurpose multivitamin and mineral formula. At one pill daily, it is the basic multivitamin for individuals 12 years or older. At one to two pills daily, it is designed for athletes and anyone of any age  with an active lifestyle and who consume the general variety of today’s typically available foods.


Franks Bottom Line

We are consuming less energy and expending more energy…to prevent loss of energy due to this vast amount of stress on your body, use this multivitamin to help fill in those nutritional gaps. If your energy is lower… it will hinder your ability for long term success with both fitness and nutrition. Take this multivitamin please.



Why Super OMega 3 (Fish Oil) ?




To supply the omega-3 (n- 3 or ω-3) fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) commonly low in Western diets in the amounts necessary to complement individual food intake to reach tissue levels consistent with those found in persons shown to have lower risk of disease (or early aging) than people with lower levels. Achieving these levels throughout the lifespan may help accomplish the goal of a longer "health span" - i.e. more years of physical activity, performance, productivity and overall health, especially when combined with a daily multivitamin and mineral formula (MVM), as opposed to typical age-related declines in health observed in the U.S. and other developed countries. Use of the SuperOmega-3 supplement would provide the common shortage of marine omega-3 fish oils in a mercury-free, easy-to-ingest form for those who do not or cannot consume diets (e.g. specific oily fishes and certain plant foods) containing these essential health components.




Humans cannot synthesize omega-3 fatty acids, (nor omega-6) making them essential nutrients which must be supplied by diet. Humans can synthesize longer omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids from the essential fatty acids linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), respectively.1,2 The parent fatty acid of the desired long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA is alpha-linolenic acid acquired from plant sources. Although humans can convert ALA supplied by the diet to the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, this conversion is inefficient and limited. Therefore, it is recommended that EPA and DHA be obtained from additional sources.3,4,5 Long-term consumption of alpha-linolenic acid does not have the same desired effect as fish oil (source of EPA and DHA) on triglyceride concentrations, tissue DHA concentrations, or on susceptibility to oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and harmful inflammation, making marine omega- 3 sources superior choices.6

Fish such as herring, kipper, mackerel, menhaden, pilchard, salmon, sardine, and trout contain oils with high amounts of the omega-3 fish oils. Shellfish, such as oyster, shrimp, and scallop contain lesser amounts. These fish oils are especially high in EPA and DHA, the two most studied omega-3 fatty acids thought to be responsible for the positive health outcomes seen in populations that consume higher amounts of fish. As mentioned, EPA and DHA from fish function differently than their precursor alpha-linolenic acid, a plant-derived omega-3 fatty acid.6 Although fish is a dietary source of omega-3 oils, fish (like humans) do not synthesize them; they obtain them from the prey fish, algae (microalgae in particular) or plankton in their diets.7 The most widely available dietary source of EPA and DHA are the cold-water oily fish listed above. These fish have a profile of approximately seven times as much omega-3 oils as omega-6 oils. Other oily fish, such as tuna, also contain omega-3 in somewhat lower amounts.7,8

Long chain omega-3s fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are crucial to cell membrane structure and function as they affect cell membrane properties such as fluidity, flexibility, permeability, and the activity of membrane-bound enzymes;9 synthesis of eicosanoids, the chemical messengers that play important roles in immune and inflammatory responses;10 vision due to the high concentration of DHA in the retina of the eyes;11 central nervous system functioning (low DHA brain levels are associated with learning deficits);12 and regulation of gene expression including those involved in fatty acid metabolism and inflammation.13,14 One can clearly see from the body's many requirements of EPA and DHA that insufficient intake can compromise the long-term health of myriad parts of the body.


Franks Bottom Line

 Super Omega 3 will

-Aid in weight loss

-Boost immune system

-Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%

-Acts as defence against Alzheimers disease

-Treats ADHD

-Has the Ability to improve vision

-Its a skin conditioner and treats acne

-Provides relief from rheumatoid arthritis

-Lowers incidents of depression


Some of us complain about a fishy burp taste…. if you’s a small price to pay for these benefits



Why Recovery Build (BCAAs)?



This product provides the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), leucine, isoleucine and valine, with leucine supplied in greater amounts consistent with recent research1 with the goal of reducing exercise-induced muscle damage while enhancing recovery. BCAAs supplementation accomplishes this goal by



  • Contributing substrate for energy demands2

  • Enhancing muscle protein synthesis (MPS)1,3,4

  • Attenuating muscle protein breakdown5,6,7

  • Faster recovery from exercise offers the participant the potential to enhance each subsequent training bout leading to a greater, long-term training outcome.



Rationale of BCAAs Leucine, isoleucine and valine are the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) so named because of their molecular structure.2 BCAAs compose approximately 35-40 percent of the amino acids found in body proteins (14-18% in skeletal muscle) and are oxidized in significant amounts in skeletal muscle.8,9,10 The oxidation of BCAAs in muscle for energy may increase fivefold during strenuous exercise.11,12 This occurs when BCAAs contribute their nitrogen group to pyruvate, an end product of glucose metabolism, to form alanine.Alanine is then transported back to the liver to reform glucose which can be shuttled back to the working muscles.This is known as the glucose-alanine cycle.13,9 Supplying BCAAs prior to exercise may

reduce the amount utilized from muscle pools, thus increasing muscular endurance7,8,14,15 decreasing protein

degradation and muscle soreness.4,5,6,7,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30Greer et al demonstrated a greater reduction in creatine kinase (a marker of muscle damage) and muscle soreness with BCAA supplementation compared to a carbohydrate solution and placebo.31 (See Figure 6.) Recent studies have found BCAAs (specifically leucine) to have an anabolic effect on skeletal muscle via mTOR (mammalian target of rapamysin), an enzyme that regulates protein synthesis.20,32,33,34,35 Additionally,

it may amplify insulin’s anabolic properties, eliciting greater gains in lean muscle tissue and potentiating recovery from exercise.These findings suggest that not only are BCAAs building blocks for muscle protein synthesis but that leucine is a modulator of protein metabolism.1,34,36 Also Leucine may have a positive im- pact, when delivered in high amounts, on improving exercise performance37 and staving off the loss of lean body mass during dieting.38


Franks Bottom Line

Fat Loss? Amino Acids are basically proteins (the building blocks of muscle) minus the huh? We are in a caloric deficit. We do not want to lose muscle...only fat. You are going to get smaller. Taking Recovery Build BCAA will ensure that as you shrink your body has the nutrient support (amino acids) to increase or maintain lean tissue...and ONLY lose fat.

I cannot tell you how important it is that during our weight loss we do not lose muscle. Muscle is fat burning machinery.


Why Super Calcium (Calcium)?




To supply bone building nutrients commonly low in western diets in the amounts necessary to complement food intake in order to help build and maintain bone health throughout one's lifespan. The product is designed to 1) deliver calcium in targeted amounts to reach and stay within established guidelines; 2) deliver the co-factors (e.g. ideal forms of vitamins K,D and magnesium) required to maximize calcium's uptake into the skeletal structure, minimize resorption and avoid unneeded deposits; 3) maintain all ingredients in a safe and optimal range when combined with diet, a multivitamin and mineral (MVM) or other dotFIT products.




Primary nutrition responsible for bone health is notoriously low in U.S./western diets and often lead to bone and other disease.1,2 Osteoporosis results from an imbalance between bone deposition and resorption (breakdown). The consequent decline of bone mass increases the risk of fractures. Osteoporosis affects millions of people worldwide, predominantly postmenopausal women. In the United States low bone mass is a threat for more than 40 million people.3 The significant departure in adulthood from the use of dairy products (especially milk) and the warnings on sun exposure have significantly reduced the ability of the U.S. population to acquire adequate levels of calcium and Vitamin D through diet alone. Therefore, it has been proposed that calcium and vitamin D supplementation alone could save $12 billion in healthcare costs by 2020 according to an economic impact report commissioned by the Council of Responsible Nutrition.4 Calcium (especially with vitamin D) has been an approved health intervention to reduce fracture risks.5,6As mentioned, most Americans do not meet the adequate intake values of calcium1,7,8 or the current higher recommendation of Vitamin D that has been shown to be protective against fractures and associated with reduced risk in all cause mortality.9,10,11 Female adolescents have the lowest intake overall.9 Natural food sources of Vitamin D are scarce and dependence on sun exposures present several problems including skin color, fears of skin cancer, sunburns, etc.12,13,14,15,16,17


Vitamin K (K1 and K2) and magnesium intakes from diet alone are also chronically below recommendations for proper bone heath.18 Vitamin K activates two proteins that transfer calcium to bone, helps reduce bone turnover and improves bone strength.19,20 Magnesium insufficiency reduces osteoblastic (bone synthesis) activity, thus decreasing bone formation.21 Less than adequate intake of these essential micronutrients may lead to osteoporosis,22,23 hip fractures, falls in the elderly24 and specific cancers.25,26 Supplementation of calcium in combination with Vitamin D, K and magnesium can supply the proper amounts of these essential nutrients to help prevent and/or slow the progression of these conditions.18,21,27,28,29, 30


Calcium: The skeletal system accounts for 20 percent of the adult human body‘s weight and serves as a major reservoir for calcium in which the adult body draws from to support daily life functions when average daily intake falls below 1000-1,200 mg, thus reducing bone mass.1,5,31 Children and adolescents between 9 and18 years of age should consume 1,300 mg/day. The adolescent years represent a critical period for bone mineral accrual with rapid gains occurring until age 16.32,33 If one does not maximize bone building during this period, equivalent increases cannot be made up for later in life, making proper calcium intake of great importance.34 To make matters worse, as we age, the calcium content of bone begins to decline, increasing the likelihood of fractures.35 When this critical “breaking point” is reached, the condition is known as osteoporosis. As mentioned, this disease affects millions of Americans each year, causing approximately 1.5 million bone fractures (over 250,000 involve the hip) at a cost of $12-18 billion.23 Fall- related injuries are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in older adults.22 Supplying adequate amounts of calcium as we age may minimize the loss of this important mineral and prevent loss of bone mass.22,23,28,36 Besides its function in bone, calcium is required for such essential functions as nerve conduction, muscle contraction and blood clotting.31,37 Properly prepared calcium carbonate has been shown to have superior absorption, especially in those who are active.


Franks Bottom Line

Muscle connects to tendon and ligament, ligaments and tendons grow directly off bone…. Strong bones = Strong muscles...Take Calcium...You're NOT getting enough


Why Super Antioxidant (Antioxidant)?




To supply important natural compounds, often limited in human diets, that are not only necessary constituents of vital tissues, but have also been shown to have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in specific areas that potentially reduce the risk of chronic or age-related disease. The goals of these combined ingredients are to: 1) supply structural components limited by diet or age; 2) contain excess free radicals caused by normal biological processes, stress, aging, exercise, and the environment, which are thought to be a major contributor to the aging process; and 3) help reduce inflammation related to disease. Desired outcomes include improving energy levels, maintenance of eye health, and protection against heart disease, cognitive decline and certain cancers. This group of carotenoid ingredients combined with alpha-lipoic acid and CoQ-10 in the stated dosages and forms are ideal based on the goal of raising the total dietary content of these special compounds to their potential energy and disease protective levels.1,2,3




Carotenes: Four of the antioxidants in this formula belong to a class of compounds called carotenes.

Carotenes are plant pigments that result in the yellow, orange and red colors of fruits and vegetables.

Only 34 of the 600 known carotenoids have been found in human serum. Several carotenoids can be converted by the body to vitamin A. These carotenoids: β-carotene, α-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin are called provitamin A carotenoids. Carotenoids that do not convert to vitamin A, such as lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin, are called non- provitamin A carotenoids. These six carotenoids are the most abundant in the American diet and their serum levels are related to all-cause mortality.3 Mammals cannot synthesize carotenoids, therefore carotenoids must be obtained from diet.


Carotenoids and disease


Although there are no formal dietary recommendations for these carotenoids, people with higher blood levels have reduced risk of disease. This suggests that sufficient carotenoid intake across the lifespan, including pre and postnatal ingestion2,4 may affect overall tissue development and maintenance in such a way that it protects against the eventual onset of declining respective body functions such as eye, brain and cardiovascular/respiratory systems, thus contributing to a longer health-span.5,6 It was demonstrated by Shardell et. al., that participants in the lowest serum total carotenoid quartile (<1.01μmol/L) had significantly higher all-cause mortality (mortality rate ratio = 1.38; 95% confidence interval: 1.15—1.65; P=0.005) than those in the highest total carotenoid quartile (>1.75μmol/L).3


Their unique abilities to control whole-body-damaging free radicals and to reduce inflammation in areas including the brain, lungs, cardiovascular system and eyes, along with aiding in cellular communication7,8 presumably helps to maintain the integrity of body tissues as we age. Carotenoids facilitate intercellular communication by increasing the expression of the gene encoding a connexin protein.9 This type of intercellular communication is important for maintaining cells in a differentiated state and is often lost in cancer cells.7,8,10 The study by Chisté RC et. al., delivered strong evidence supporting previous research that the carotenoids mentioned here may exert therapeutical potential in acting as a natural antioxidant to prevent free radical (peroxyl radicals [ROO]) induced toxicity in human erythrocytes.11


Carotenoid absorption and supplement forms


Carotenoid absorption requires the presence of fat. As little as three to five grams of fat in a meal appears sufficient to ensure carotenoid absorption.12,13 Because they do not need to be released from the plant matrix, carotenoid supplements are more efficiently absorbed than carotenoids in foods.14


Franks Bottom Line

Unless you hunt and grow your own food, you have absolutely no idea what you're eating. In our abundance of society, chances are extremely high that we all are consuming toxins which cause inflammation... which is like having your check engine light on all the time. This simple formula will help destroy those free-radicals….and free your body up to do more impotant metabolising fat and getting stronger.   


Why DOTFit Pre/Post Workout (Recovery Shake )?




Dieting (calorie restriction) for weight loss and maintenance is difficult at best.1 During normal energy restriction, 25% of weight loss is from lean body mass/fat free mass (LBM/FFM) 2,3 and more depending on the magnitude of the deficit.4,5,6 Although exercise helps protect LBM losses, by itself exercise is not a weight loss solution.7 Weight regain is all but inevitable for the majority of dieters based on the following energy restriction and weight reduction induced variables: 1) need to continuously decrease calorie intake to overcome obligatory plateaus caused by overall weight/LBM reduction and exercise induced fitness improvements (both conditions can lead to a slower metabolism);8,9,10,11 2) energy level decreases (e.g. daily fatigue); 3) increases in appetite/cravings;12 4) environmental obstacles and influences (e.g. easy access to palatable foods, advertising,5,13 time constraints, inability to increase daily/exercise activities, etc.);,5,13 5) as mentioned above, exercise alone has been consistently shown to not be a weight loss solution deeming it essentially powerless due to the amount needed to achieve and sustain weight loss.14,15,16


Meal replacements (MRs) have become a modern day viable solution for many of the challenges and barriers to successful weight control.17 Therefore LeanMR has been designed to be a better MR than competitors by incorporating ingredients and macronutrient ratios (high protein, low fat) that best address these obstacles to success including mood disturbance, fatigue, stress and/or diet dissatisfaction.18 Used individually, meal replacements, low carbohydrate-low glycemic index (GI) diets, high protein intake and types of proteins used, and moderate fat consumption have all shown positive effects on diet and weight maintenance outcomes and therefore all methods have been incorporated in the LeanMR formula.19


Protein and Weight Loss


High Protein Intake


Higher protein diets (25-50% of total calories or significantly greater than the RDA) which include low/moderate fat and/or low carbohydrate are generally more successful for weight loss than lower protein diets, at least in the short term.20 The basic mechanisms of action include greater satiety, increase in daily energy expenditure and fat oxidation,21,22 and preservation of LBM.5,23,24 Of all these actions of protein, whey proteins compared to other sources appear to deliver superior outcomes when integrated into daily meal planning.21,25,26


Franks Bottom Line

Recovery shakes are high in nutrient, low in calorie, taste great, and most importantly is easy and convenient. We believe drinking at least one recovery shake per day is really the ultimate form of control when it comes to reaching your fitness goal.

© 2023 by Frank Nash

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